iflen(fieldDescriptions) != len(values) { err := errors.Errorf("number of field descriptions must equal number of values, got %d and %d", len(fieldDescriptions), len(values)) rows.fatal(err) return err } iflen(fieldDescriptions) != len(dest) { err := errors.Errorf("number of field descriptions must equal number of destinations, got %d and %d", len(fieldDescriptions), len(dest)) rows.fatal(err) return err }
if rows.scanPlans == nil { rows.scanPlans = make([]pgtype.ScanPlan, len(values)) for i := range dest { rows.scanPlans[i] = ci.PlanScan(fieldDescriptions[i].DataTypeOID, fieldDescriptions[i].Format, dest[i]) } }
for i, dst := range dest { if dst == nil { continue }
func(c *Conn)getCompositeFields(ctx context.Context, oid uint32)([]pgtype.CompositeCodecField, error) { var typrelid uint32
err := c.QueryRow(ctx, "select typrelid from pg_type where oid=$1", oid).Scan(&typrelid) if err != nil { returnnil, err }
var fields []pgtype.CompositeCodecField var fieldName string var fieldOID uint32 rows, _ := c.Query(ctx, `select attname, atttypid from pg_attribute where attrelid=$1 and not attisdropped and attnum > 0 order by attnum`, typrelid, ) // 这里是示例 _, err = ForEachRow(rows, []any{&fieldName, &fieldOID}, func()error { dt, ok := c.TypeMap().TypeForOID(fieldOID) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("unknown composite type field OID: %v", fieldOID) } fields = append(fields, pgtype.CompositeCodecField{Name: fieldName, Type: dt}) returnnil }) if err != nil { returnnil, err }
return fields, nil }
对于一个不熟悉的底层库,最好的学习方式还是看它的示例代码,库的开发者很难知道用户会踩哪些坑,文档中自然不会有,毕竟当局者迷。只从文档出发,很容易陷进未知的坑里,甚至掉坑里都不知道,业务出问题后,花费大代价排查之后,才知道掉坑里了。陌生的开源库在使用的时候还是先全库 clone 下来,用 api 的时候,就去源码里搜一下,看看开发者写的示例(不管是测试,还是其他地方的调用),当然现在也可以让 AI 先写,人只要再核实一下文档和源码,能节省很多学习的功夫。
defrun_applescript(script): """运行 AppleScript 脚本""" subprocess.run(["osascript", "-e", script]) defxls_to_xlsx(file_path="./xxx.xls"): """使用 AppleScript 修改 Excel 文件元数据""" applescript = f''' tell application "Microsoft Excel" -- 打开 .xls 文件 set inputFile to "{file_path}" -- 修改为你的文件路径 open inputFile -- 获取当前工作簿 set wb to active workbook -- 定义输出文件路径 set outputFile to "{file_path}x" -- 修改为你想保存的文件路径 -- 保存为 .xlsx 格式 save workbook as wb filename outputFile file format Excel XML file format -- 关闭工作簿 close wb saving no end tell ''' run_applescript(applescript)
defxlsx_to_xls(file_path="./xxx_tmp.xlsx"): """使用 AppleScript 修改 Excel 文件元数据""" applescript = f''' tell application "Microsoft Excel" -- 打开 .xls 文件 set inputFile to "{file_path}" -- 修改为你的文件路径 open inputFile -- 获取当前工作簿 set wb to active workbook -- 定义输出文件路径 set xlsFilePath to (inputFile as text) set xlsFilePath to text 1 thru -6 of xlsFilePath -- 去掉 ".xlsx" set xlsFilePath to xlsFilePath & ".xls" # log xlsFilePath -- 保存为 .xls 格式 save wb in xlsFilePath # save workbook as wb filename xlsFilePath file format Excel98to2004 file format with overwrite -- 关闭工作簿 close wb saving yes end tell ''' run_applescript(applescript)
第二个请求来时,此时 n 台机器的各自权重为 (2∗ew1,2∗ew2,...,2∗ewn−1,2∗ewn−Wtotal) ,选取权重值对应的机器进行处理,假设为第 n-1 台,则更新后权重为 (3∗ew1,3∗ew2,...,3∗ewn−1−Wtotal,3∗ewn−Wtotal) ;
第 Wtotal 个请求来时,此时 n 台机器的各自权重应该为 (Wtotal∗ew1−m1∗Wtotal,Wtotal∗ew2−m2∗Wtotal,...,Wtotal∗ewn−1−mn−1∗Wtotal,Wtotal∗ewn−mn∗Wtotal)s.t.n∑i=1mi=Wtotal−10<=mi<=ewi 由于每次调度都是权重最大值减权重和,重新分配权重后权重和无变化,所以理论上此时除第 k 台机器外,每台机器的权重都为 0,第 k 台机器的权重为 Wtotal ,所以这次调度处理之后,每台机器的权重又会重新回到初始权重。
defswrr_n(rs_arr, weight_total, schedule_num): ms = [(rs["ew"] / float(weight_total)) * (schedule_num-1) for rs in rs_arr] mzs = [int(m) for m in ms] mxs = [(i, m-int(m)) for i, m inenumerate(ms)] mxs = sorted(mxs, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) for i, rs inenumerate(rs_arr): rs["cw"] = schedule_num * rs["ew"] rs["cw"] -= mzs[i] * weight_total
d = (schedule_num-1) - sum(mzs) for i inrange(d): rs_arr[mxs[i][0]]["cw"] -= weight_total